WoT Alert - Who is online playing World of Tanks logo

WoT Alert

This application notifies you when your friends are online playing World of Tanks and available to platoon with you. You can switch on sound and browser notifications, and see how long ago your ingame friends have interacted with the game, when they had their latest battle, and how they are doing right now. You can use it as a website, or install it on Android smart phone or Chrome.

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I use your app everyday. Thank you!

Wargaming access is needed for retrieving data from the World of Tanks servers. Accessible information does not contain anything personal and none of your data is stored on our servers. Press logout button to terminate the connection. Wargaming Customer Support Center. Data Wargaming.net. All rights reserved.

If you have questions, ideas, bug reports, or you would like to help us to translate this application, please write to our open and free discussion forum. but check the known issues first. Thank you!   Review this app   Thank you for donations!

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